
Learn about yourself and your colleagues through answering questions.

What's something you hope to see in your lifetime?
What does this question teach me about myself and others?


Improved Communication and Understanding
You'll learn the communication styles of your colleagues which will help you understand how best to work together.
Tighter Bonds == Lower Turnover
People who are closer to their colleagues stay at their jobs longer.
Quality of Life
People who are closer to their colleagues report a higher quality of life.
More Fun
Socializing and getting to know one another is fun. You learn something, they learn something, and you'll find yourself having more positive moments.

It's good to know your colleagues. It's even better to understand them.

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Suspendisse potenti. Cras nec cursus nisl. Vivamus at rhoncus est. Suspendisse hendrerit velit cursus, aliquam libero et, condimentum risus. In efficitur nisl at lectus feugiat, at rutrum magna pellentesque. Etiam sit amet gravida ipsum. Aenean finibus ac quam et imperdiet. In urna justo, feugiat at aliquet faucibus, tristique nec velit. Fusce eu urna non tortor mollis tempus ac vel mauris. Etiam ultricies placerat justo, a bibendum elit convallis id. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce sodales, nunc ac placerat cursus, tellus nisl elementum urna, dictum vulputate nisl turpis ut diam.